How to express yourself clearly when writing an article ?

Sahl Abdulhamid
4 min readSep 6, 2020

Writing an article is a difficult task in itself. However if this is for a blog and to make it easier, you should write about something that you are passionate about or that you like. Readers will immediately notice if you are sincere or not. Clarity comes easier if it is about something that you like because you will invest more effort in it to be as clear and concise as possible. You should definitely choose a topic you like even though you might not know everything about it. Which leads us to our next point.

Another important aspect is to do some research on the topic. If you write about a topic you should have as much information as possible so you can make your point clear. Only relevant information is needed though as excess or useless information may bore the reader. Try to be inventive, bring up new information or ideas that people do not know about. By doing so you will be able to catch the eye of people who will see your work as valuable.

Keep in mind although excess information is not recommended, basic knowledge on the topic would still be needed to enlighten readers and give them a general frame on the subject.

A good idea could be to share your own experiences about a topic or give examples. For instance, if you are writing about spas, you could share a personal experience in one you went to or give examples of some that are well rated. However the better you know the product you talk about, the clearer you will be. So if you want to talk about…

